Raffle Results

We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle. The prizes of the handmade quilt, weekend at Shallowford and half a lamb went to: 1st prize: Esther Cleveley 2nd Prize: Diana Forrest 3rd Prize: Mike Hayes Congratulations to you all and enjoy your prizes.

Kevin the Ram

To keep the breeding stock of sheep interesting and providing great opportunities for the young people we have welcomed Kevin the Whitefaced Dartmoor into the farm. He has been haltered led before and used to the show ring, so we hope that he will behave well for the visiting groups.

A new Barn at the farm

We are looking forward to being able to move the animals into a new barn for this winter. It is under construction and looking good. In the process we have unearthed an unknown bronze-age roundhouse that has been carefully mapped, logged and visited by archaeologists and the Widecombe History group. All very exciting but it … Read more

A Lung for the City Experience

We enjoyed a great group of eight young people over half term. They really entered into the four days of experiences in and around the farm with much enthusiasm. They helped Will move and weigh 400+ sheep in preparation for going to the rams. Each day they reflected on what new things they had learnt, … Read more

Widecombe Fair

This seems such a long time ago now but the memories of the day still brings a smile. The weather was kind, the food was scrumptious and the team of volunteers was superb. In all there were 37 volunteers serving in and around the café throughout the day. They were a joyful bunch with much … Read more

An October work party

A select group from Providence House came to help us for a weekend in October. As always they worked tirelessly, shifting wood into the store ready for the winter, clearing obstructions from the leat in the marsh to assist with the flow of water after winter rains, dismantle to old garage/stable, reorganised the back field, … Read more

It’s Fair Time

Shallowford Café at Widecombe Fair – It’s Such Good Fun, Such Hard Work and Such a Good Cause Come to the fair, have a great day out, eat great food, and help us out at the café for a short while. If you can spare some time on the day that would be great or … Read more

More Piglets for Everyone to Enjoy

Two of the sows have produced 22 piglets between them. Such a wriggling heap of spots – check out the short video below! https://www.instagram.com/p/BYgmK8cgFzM/?taken-by=shallowfordfarmdartmoor

Spreading the Word About Shallowford

If you haven’t yet seen the promotional video then here it is below. Please watch it and then send it on to others. Keep following us on Instagram and Facebook.

The Girls Summer Visit

Esther brought the group to stay for four days, catching good and bad weather alike. They worked well as a team herding 450 sheep, across 9 fields and through a woodland onto better pasture, all with the help of Ben the dog. The beach on a sunny day was a great hit, collecting shells, burying … Read more