Looking Forward

The plans for the future provision for young people at Shallowford was put before the DNP Planning Committee on the 1st September. Permission was granted so we now pray that we will steward the permission well to enable more urban young people to enjoy and learn from farm life and wide open spaces

Lessons from the Dry Stone Walls

Paul Edworthy and his team have been creating some beautiful banks and walls around the farm. They remind us of the team that we are a part of here at Shallowford – there are some big stones that maybe we see first but in and around them are the small stones that, if removed, would … Read more

Handmade Double Quilt for Raffling

The Widecombe sewing group has kindly donated a beautiful quilt that they have been lovingly making over the last few months. We are selling raffle tickets at £1.00 each throughout the autumn to raise money to bring more young people to the farm. The raffle will be drawn on December 9th at the Christmas celebration. … Read more

The Falcon Road Festival in London

The team from Shallowford farm went to support their event providing a supply of sausages produced from the farm for the BBQ. It was a good opportunity to spread the word about the farm to the local community around Battersea and meet our Providence House friends on their own territory. We met up with some … Read more

Returning to Shallowford After 20-ish Years

A brother and sister plus their families called in during the summer to see if we were still operating and to reminisce. It nearly brought her to tears, “I can’t believe it is still here”; “This place was a life line to me”; “He just can’t stop talking about his time here, I had to … Read more

The Campers Came to Stay

A big group of young people and adults came to the farm to enjoy a holiday away from the city. It was a very happy time with dry weather, good food and excellent company. We were blessed with 23 different volunteers coming to help to make this event happen. They put up tents, washed up, … Read more

July Work Party

Robert, Mario and his boys plus Antony joined us at the farm for 3 days, tackling a long list of tasks. It was hot work mending chicken coops, tending the veg plot, building all the new bunk beds, moving logs into the wood store and strimming. It culminated on a welcome dip in the river … Read more

The Marsh Fritillary Butterfly

The Butterfly Conservation group have been visiting to check how the butterfly is doing on the marsh here at the farm. They say: “I counted 71 webs, which is an excellent total and makes your site the largest population on Dartmoor. Last year Jenny counted 65 webs. Well done!” Good news.

Get involved with the Family Camp, 21st – 24th August

We will need more tents. If you have a complete tent that you are prepared to loan to the farm for that week we would be most grateful – all sizes needed. There will be about 40 of us on site for 4 days. Lots of the young people bringing their families with them for … Read more