…for I want to go to Widecombe Fair…

Well, it’s happening again on Tuesday 12th September and as always Shallowford will be running the café in the Church House. So this is your chance to come to the fair, get involved with what the Trust are doing there and see what else is going on. This is a major fundraising event for us … Read more

Volunteers visit to Providence House

Twelve of us travelled to London to visit Providence House for the day. We were warmly welcomed, treated to a great lunch, a tour of the centre and the area and then joined in with the after school club before heading back down to Devon. What a great day and worthwhile day. It helped us … Read more

The Day the Braunds Came to the Farm

Our founder and benefactor Elizabeth Braund has a huge family, many in North Devon and they meet regularly. This year they came to visit the farm. The group of young people staying at the time showed them around the farm and they all enjoyed a fabulous lunch of Shallowford Pork. Thanks to all of them … Read more

Shallowford Pork

It is SOOO yummy If you would like any then please contact the farm. We have bacon, sausages, burgers and all sorts of joints.

May work Party

Once again a small group of dedicated folks came to help out with a huge list of practical tasks that needed attention. They gathered firewood from the fields, mended pig arcs, fences, stiles, and chicken runs, they rehung gates, mended wheelbarrows and so the list goes on. We are very grateful to them all, as … Read more

Shallowford’s Upbeat Image

We have been very blessed to have James Norden from Upbeat Image offering to make a promotional video for the Trust. Having spent considerable time here at the farm, at Providence House and then on the editing he has finished the film and here it is: We are so grateful to him and thank him … Read more

Dancing on Dartmoor

The Streetz United dance troop from Providence House were here to create a film. They performed their dance routine in 4 different locations on the moor. They could be seen performing their routines at Fogintor Quarry, at the farm, on Widecombe Green and in the church. Even a herd of cows near the quarry walked … Read more

Shallowford Farm Promo Video

A promotional video for Shallowford Farm made in July 2017. This beautifully shot promo shows our Farm, the hard work that goes into it and the kids that benefit from our charity. One minute edit

Work Party in May 2017

“Make sure there is plenty for them to do,” said Robert ahead of their visit. So a huge list was created – not so difficult as there is always lots to get on with around the farm. The team arrived – a select four of them, Antony who has been so many times before and … Read more