Shallowford 40th Anniversary Celebrations

Come and join us 23rd – 25th September to celebrate our 40th anniversary of changing lives. We would love to have you come back to the farm for a weekend to re-live old memories and take part in the celebrations…  Farm activities  Fun for kids  Meet the animals  Activities for all  Dartmoor walks  Meet old friends … Read more

Newton Abbot Races

On Wednesday 10th August we have been invited, by Newton Abbot race course, to be their “Charity of the day”. We will be mentioned in the race card and promoted over the loud speakers. We can have a table display where we an promote our cause and collect donations. If you happen to be at … Read more

Family Tents Needed

We are planning the next Family Camping week (15-18 August) during which many of the young people bring their families down to the farm. For some this is their only holiday of the year. We would be very grateful if anyone has a family sized tent that could house – a family!!! We plan to … Read more


Antony has been working with us as a volunteer since April on regular 2 week visits. His last visit involved working with the team for shearers as they processed our flock for 40 sheep and then moved to Broadaford and finished off the day working through their the 400 ewes. A marathon task and by … Read more

Ticking off the Tasks

We created a long list of tasks for the work party to complete during their weekend – and they managed it. Much energy was expended, the pressure hose worked over time, barns were cleared, wood store tidied and restocked, chicken runs mended and so the list went on… Thank you to all those who worked … Read more

Falcon Road Heritage Festival

What a weekend that was! Five of us travelled from the farm to Providence House to assist them in their contribution to this festival. We took a farm flavor with us to share with passersby – a fiber glass life sized pig and sheep kindly loaned by The Jolly Roger, 3 live chickens, straw … Read more

The Visit of the Wise Guys

Phil and Andrew gave up much to bring the group of lads to the farm for 4 days – work, time, energy, sleep and a few grey hairs!!! Wisdom was required on many occasions, We all learnt much and are definitely wiser for the experience. Key learning experinces involved how to: carry long heavy logs … Read more

Fish and Chips Enjoyed by All

The Women’s group in May enjoyed a whole weekend of giggles, the farm animals, the seaside and a wonderful walk along the river. The fellowship, friendship and food were all top quality and much enjoyed by everyone.

“I am SO proud of my legs!”

Esther had some valuable quality time with just two young people over a weekend. Dartmoor rained it’s rain but we walked anyway and got wet – very wet – but what a great time it was. We rolled in the bluebells, forded a river, climbed a “mountain”, bounced on bogs, went rock hopping, and jumped … Read more