Treating our Volunteers

We are organising two days for our wonderful volunteers: on April 22nd a day at the farm and on May 25th taking those that can to visit Providence House. April 22nd is a time just to come for lunch and enjoy the farm, go for a walk, meet each other and visit Broadaford farm next … Read more

Walls, Fences and Banks

The Trust are investing in repairing the field boundaries so that we can farm the land more efficiently. Paul and his team are sharing their skills, turning a piles of rocks into a thing of beauty – a dry stone wall, skilfully built to not fall down. Sometimes they add a heap of soil in … Read more

Antony Makes us Proud

He has been coming to the farm for nearly 20 years. Over the last year he has been staying for 2 weeks at a time, helping here at Shallowford and Broadaford Farms. His confidence has grown to the point that he has finally achieved an award with the Spear Foundation – Inspiring Employment. Well done. … Read more

Annual Chair’s Report of The Shallowford Trust for 2016

It was Saint Augustine who said that if you aspire to great things, then you should begin with little things. It is clear that as Trustees we have inherited a broad vision from our founders, with a mandate to nurture and develop East Shallowford as a place where many people find a welcome, can find … Read more

Productive Piglets Prove to be Quite a Challenge!

The 10 large piglets (biglets!) from last November are growing well and provide huge amounts of entertainment as the groups try to coax them into the weighing crate. Lots of team work and communication required. 2017 has started well with two of the 4 breeding sows producing 14 piglets between them. They are a great … Read more

Bishop Nick Comes for Tea

During his visit to the Deanery Bishop Nick of Plymouth called into Shallowford Farm to see what we were up to. He had brought his own wellies and the four young lads from Providence House showed him around the farm. They fed the animals first and then welcomed him to a seat by the fire … Read more

Songs of Praise

Many of you have been in touch to say that you saw a wonderful group of girls enjoying Shallowford farm on Songs of Praise. If you missed it there is still time to see it on “Catch up”   It was an amazing experience with 8 young girls from providence and 9 members of … Read more

40th Anniversary Reflections – Back Home Again

Back Home Again, September 2016. It was forty years ago this October that Elizabeth Braund, with Rosemary Bird, first descended on East Shallowford Farm in a Ford Transit, carrying a motley bunch of young people from Battersea, London. She called her project, ‘A Lung for the City’, and in her dogged and pioneering fashion set … Read more

Shallowford 40th Anniversary Celebrations

Come and join us 23rd – 25th September to celebrate our 40th anniversary of changing lives. We would love to have you come back to the farm for a weekend to re-live old memories and take part in the celebrations…  Farm activities  Fun for kids  Meet the animals  Activities for all  Dartmoor walks  Meet old friends … Read more