What a beautiful place

This May / June has been stunning here in the West Webburn valley. The bluebells were in fine form decorating the rich green carpet with huge swathes of iridescent blue, accompanied by that wonderful deep sweet aroma.  Allowing the bluebells to have their show the orchids followed on later, just as the bells were fading, … Read more

Future Events

Once the Country Fair has been enjoyed by all, we will be looking towards the Family Week in August. Many families from Battersea will be joining us for the second week in August, camping for 4 nights, enjoying the wide open spaces of the moor, visiting the coast Planning ahead we will be looking for … Read more

Country Fair Coming Soon   

By popular demand the Country Fair is being organised again for Saturday, July 25th 2015 starting at 12 noon, food and BBQ all day, finishing at 5pm This year there will be a Family Dog Show in the front field to add to the enjoyment of the day. The Silent Auction is poised to be … Read more

Testing Team Time

It is hard – to work as a team – especially when you are young, enthusiastic and determined! The boys came ready for a challenge and boy did they get one, quite a few in fact! The team games set the tone for the week, pitting one group against the other the enthusiasm was high, … Read more

February Girls Transition Group

Dates: Saturday 14th – Tuesday 17th February 2015 The Group: The girl’s ages ranged from 11-13 years. Three had been before, but for the others it was a fresh adventure. We call this the girl’s transition group. They are part of a group of girls at Providence either soon to leave primary school or just … Read more

Widecombe School

Dear Shallowford Thank you all so much for giving us all such a wonderful Tuesday. The children all loved their visit and, as you will see from the enclosed letters, the star of the show seemed to be Stanley! So much thought had been put into the day and I know that as well as enjoying … Read more

What Wonderful Wet Women

The age range was huge ( 27 – 78) and the backgrounds varied, yet they all came from Battersea to the farm with a common goal – to immerse themselves in the beauty of Dartmoor – and it rained!!!!! It didn’t matter. We wrapped ourselves in waterproofs and wellies and went out and thoroughly enjoyed … Read more

Work Party – is this possible?

The April Work Party  to East Shallowford Farm aimed to produce luxury chicken accommodation.  One run would have been great but three!!!! Great reflections from the team of craftsmen that came to help us – Thanks to them all Phil the Carpenter, Misha the Carpenter, Glen the Plumber, Antony the Labourer, Michael the Cleaner, Robert … Read more

What it is to be a Leader at Providence

The team of volunteer youth leaders came to Shallowford to re-visit their gifts, re-view their work and refresh their focus. They were challenged to step out of their comfort zone, whilst blindfolded to follow the rope trail, crawl to the sounding drum and then feed each other unknown foods! They responded well and learnt much … Read more

Work Party at the Farm

What a party it was. The weather was superb and the banter cheery. We were blessed with a workforce of 7 who were set various tasks, to be completed within the 36 hours of their visit. They completed 3 delux chicken coops – the fox free version – we hope! They installed a smart new … Read more