Learn to Lead

In order to prepare, grow and encourage group leaders, we offer a one to two night Group Leaders’ Programme. This will inspire and equip leaders as you become more familiar and comfortable in the farm environment. It also enables leaders to have fun together, build on each other’s experiences and ideas and encourage one another. We can also facilitate leadership training with experienced local providers.
Many group leaders and teachers often just need time to assess their plans, the impact of their work with young people, to re-evaluate and de-stress whilst becoming familiar and learning about how to cope with challenges.
Tailor Made For You
We can also assist in developing post-visit programmes and offer tailor made visits to schools and youth groups to ensure onward learning, including:
- How to set up a vegetable garden.
- How to run a moth trap night.
- Team games and challenges.
- How to run an ‘outside the classroom’ group and develop practical activities.
- Practical Conservation activities.
If you have a particular learning requirement, let us know and we will certainly be able to find a solution within our network of experienced professionals.