Shallowford Farm Promo Video

A promotional video for Shallowford Farm made in July 2017. This beautifully shot promo shows our Farm, the hard work that goes into it and the kids that benefit from our charity. One minute edit

Work Party in May 2017

“Make sure there is plenty for them to do,” said Robert ahead of their visit. So a huge list was created – not so difficult as there is always lots to get on with around the farm. The team arrived – a select four of them, Antony who has been so many times before and … Read more

There and Back in a Day – Volunteers Visit Providence House

Thirteen of our supporters from Devon joined us in a minibus trip to London to visit Providence House to see the centre and area where the young people live. We had great journeys, a huge welcome and a wonderful lunch. Esther showed us around the amazing facilities at the centre, Robert showed us around the … Read more

Follow us on Social Media – as we follow the satellites!

Shallowford Farm is now posting on Instagram and Facebook so please look us up and we hope you will “like” what you see. We look forward to communicating with you in a new and exciting way, keeping you up to date with all the goings on at the farm. We would welcome any feedback that … Read more

In Front Of The Cameras Again!

James Norden is a professional film maker – He has donated much of his time to helping us make a promotional video. He visited the farm from 4th – 7th April, working with the group and collecting hours of footage. It’s now time to visit Providence house, film the young people there too, editing … Read more

Visit Providence House for yourself

Providence House is the Youth and Community Centre in Battersea that we work with. We have hired a minibus and will be taking a good group of folks to Providence House on Thursday May 25th. It will be a great day of finding more about this amazing place in Battersea, exploring the area that the … Read more

Young Vets in training?

The younger members of the Providence House Youth club joined us at the beginning of lambing. It was busy – the ewes made sure their lambs were born in the dry warm days and just in case the weather changed they took full advantage early on.  There were lambs everywhere and the lambing team were full … Read more

The Leaders Training Weekend

They reviewed and planned, they thought outside the box and considered the boxes they have! It was a really useful weekend considering how to maximise who we are, what we have and how we work to the benefit for the young people. They also worked hard around the farm and managed to include a good … Read more

The Ridan composter is now in place

Thanks to a generous donation we have been able to acquire this brilliant composter. The kids love using it. It eats anything organic – so long as it’s not too big! The children collect the compost bin from the kitchen, assess the volume in the bin, add the compost and then add an equivalent amount … Read more

Volunteers Day Together!

We have such a great family of volunteers who bring so many different gifts to help us run the farm for the young people. We enjoyed a great day together just meeting each other and sharing ideas, needs and gifts. Particular thanks to all those who have been house sitting, especially as there are so … Read more