The London Marathon? She Made it!

What a star she is. Her knees gave up at 11 miles and so she powerwalked the rest! We are very grateful to her as she has raised £550 in support of the visits to the farm this year. God bless you Carole and thank you.

Changes to Events planned for 2016

This year’s big event will be the 40th anniversary of youth work at Shallowford Farm. To mark the occasion the Saturday 24th September has been set aside. The form that this day will take has not yet been resolved suffice it to say that there will be much to celebrate, organise and cater for. We … Read more

Volunteers – Shallowford Will Need Your Help

From the article above you will see that we need to call on many skills and many people for the different events. Should you be able to help out with publicity, baking, practical moving and shifting, crafts, running a tombola or silent auction, organising, posters, selling food, helping in the kitchen, … the list is … Read more

Forest School

We are thrilled that Widecombe in the Moor primary school have asked us to lead their Forest School experience for the Reception/Year 1 class this summer term. We have spent 2 weeks at school getting to know the children, setting expectations and playing games that set safe behaviour patterns for being in the woods. Our … Read more

London Marathon Support

Bob Martin is a great volunteer here at the farm. His daughter Carole is running the London Marathon to raise money for Shallowford Farm! We want to wish Carole all the best with her training  and the marathon itself. Thank you Carole for all the hard work and huge amount of  energy on the 24th April. … Read more

Chair’s Annual Report to the Shallowford Trust for 2015

Looking back over 2015, there have been a range of high and low points at Shallowford, of empty times and full times, of easy progress and painful progress, but praise God we are here where we are, we believe, by God’s grace.  For this report we will look back on progress.  I am reminded, from the gospel, … Read more

Visit to East Shallowford Farm for Nativity 5th-7th December 2015

What I enjoyed at the Farm/ What is different in Battersea: “Some people think shepherds just herd sheep but they do so much more. I helped the shepherd move the Farm’s sheep along with the sheep dog. I also watched the acting out of the Nativity in the fields in the evening in the dark. … Read more

The Shallowford Nativity: ‘Like the Winter Rains’

Sunday Morning – 6th December 2015. Bethlehem is in the hill country of Judah, and I expect in season they got their share of wind and rain and mud. We are re-creating our own Bethlehem in the hill country of Dartmoor for the Shallowford Nativity tonight. We have already had our share of wind, shaking … Read more

We are Committed to Working with Local Community

East Shallowford has been indebted to the support of local people throughout the forty years, and going forward we look to develop closer ties with Broadaford Farm and also with new supporters. We have enjoyed the association not only with the established Dartmoor farming community, but also with those who have settled on the moor … Read more

Shallowford is Committed to its Charitable Objectives

The business plan model means that we will be in a better position to support the more economically challenged groups. Money has never been, nor ever will be, a motivation for this work. In almost every group there were those who could not effectively pay their way; but the value of their coming was of more importance … Read more