Widecombe Fair

September began with the great event of WIDECOMBE FAIR and what a day it was. This was definitely the year of the volunteer. So many people came to help us run the café in the old Church House and archery in the furthest field – with the help of Heatree Activity Centre. Some came for … Read more

Paul is Moving On

We are so grateful to Paul, Evie and Archie for all their support, loyalty and hard work at Shallowford over the years. They have touched the lives of so many young people. Paul has inspired many youngsters who were without ambition and focus to “be like Paul when I leave school”. They will be greatly … Read more

More things are Wrought by Prayer than this World Dreams Of

Our next prayer meeting is on Thursday 26th November. There is SO much to pray for, give thanks for and to celebrate. We pray for the concerns of the Trust and Providence House; visions for the future; the past and future groups; our neighbours and community. It is always a relaxed hour and no one … Read more

Poetry from the Forest

We ran along the crunchy, squidgy paths Slithering and slipping on the bumpy damp soil. The golden sunshine shimmered through the emerald leaves As the stream gurgled by. Zafari, Sachelle, Dillon, and Serena   Spider in his web, waiting in the sunlight Birds in the trees and water glistening. Spider climbing, slowly White and looking … Read more

Kingsbridge CofE Primary School

A wonderful group of 10 children brought their teachers, Mrs. Rawlinson and Mrs. Elliot, to enjoy the farm! The children searched, found, fed and watered all the animals. They followed a trail using new farm maps, collecting pictures of animal products on route, up to Rowden rocks for a “wow” at the view and then … Read more

Nativity at the Farm on Sunday 6th December

We will be keeping up the tradition of re-enacting the wonderful events around the birth of Jesus. This will be staged at the farm, in the courtyard, stables, fields and cold air of a winters evening, creating a wonderful atmosphere to help us all prepare for the great celebration 18 days later. There will be … Read more

Happy Christmas

As I write this – in October – it seems very strange to offer you this greeting. However for most of you it will be our only opportunity and we really do hope and pray that this coming Christmas will be a wonderful time to reconsider the amazing gift that God gave – Jesus – … Read more

Harvest at the Farm

We were joined by a wonderful group from Providence House, many of whom had not visited the farm before. They worked hard with Paul herding in the new flock of sheep, worming them and sending them out again. The team were very hands on and enjoyed working closely with the sheep. The afternoon was spent … Read more

Why Should You Go to the Farm?

It is good to try new things You get to do fun activities outdoors and see loads of animals It was awesome and we got to meet animals never met before & activities outside each day. Fun! Everyone should come because you will like animals, and the shops and all the different activities. You make … Read more

Vison Day – “Wonder & Awe”; “Grounded , Creative, Healing”

“Big Space-Small Place” – “Home – Identity – Belonging” “In-Spiration” – “Travelling Hopefully” It’s not only for the visiting groups of young people and families that East Shallowford is a special place. These are some of the words from Shallowford Trustees, who gathered together on Saturday 13th June around the ancient and well-loved hearth to … Read more