Opportunities Ahead to be Part of the Team

Our Family Camping Week and Widecombe Fair are coming up soon Family Camping Week is from 6-9 August when we will need tents, food, help with catering, inspiration and energy!!! Widecombe Fair is on Tuesday September 11. A great day during which we deliver a wonderful café for all the punters to enjoy in the historic Church … Read more

Marsh Fritillaries June 2018

Early in June a group visited Shallowford to photograph the rare Marsh Fritillary butterfly in regards to promote and sell wildlife friendly food, highlighting rare or at risk creatures which include the Marsh Fritillary. “We had a fantastic day filming marsh fritillaries early in June.  The weather was perfect and there must have been 50+ … Read more

Farm to City Sunday: 10th June 2018

I have long longed for it to happen. Now it has happened ….. maybe. Or now we have seen how it can happen …. maybe. The prophet Zechariah lived in hard times, but at a time when hope was being renewed …. maybe. He had a vision I have long wanted to embrace, or wanted … Read more

Farm to City: Saturday 9th June 2018

In the early morning the quietest place in our farm to the city is the sports hall. It is cool with its west facing windows. In the afternoon it will warm up a bit, but there is always breeze. The first to find a voice is, of course, the cockerel. Cock a hoop with his hens … Read more

Farm to City and the Restoration from God. Friday 8th June 2018.

Farm to City and the Restoration from God. The deputy mayor came with her gold chain, and enthusiasm, and full of questions, and finished watching the Shallowford film, with a cup of tea in one hand and a pork sandwich in the other. The MP came and got her photo opportunity on the tractor. Three … Read more

Farm to City Update

Who would have believed it? Six week old calves in Clapham Junction, cosily nestling into the straw, while the fire sirens blared past, and the buses stopped, and passers by gawped, and took photo after photo. It took two days to make the space ready, erect fencing, assembling pens and paraphernalia. And prepare all the … Read more

Farm to City Itinerary

Here is the run down for Shallowford Farm ‘in the City’. Downloadable PDF

Work Party

Despite the looming weather warnings the group arrived and tackled the long list of tasks we had generated. Eight of us, plus a four legged helper, made great use of the Saturday, making significant progress before retiring to the fire and wonderful dinner. Then the forecast meant that they had to make a quick escape … Read more

Easter visitors from Providence House helped in the Lambing Sheds

During April there were 450 ewes due to lamb at Broadaford farm. The two groups from Providence House worked hard in the lambing sheds every morning topping up the feed, water and straw, they witnessed that wonderful moment when the lambs are born, moved the young families out to the fields and generally marvelled at … Read more