Crime Prevention Panel Report

Working with vulnerable young people is a challenge, delight and privilege. Read on the understand the difference that time at the farm makes “85% of the children who access PH services (and visit Shallowford Farm) come from disadvantaged backgrounds, falling into the single-parent household bracket, living in cramped often overcrowded conditions, have witnessed or been a … Read more

“So You Want To Be A Farmer?”

Local school groups from Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 have really enjoyed visiting Shallowford and Broadaford farms.  During their day they were involved in feeding the young piglets, herding the ducks and geese, following trails, learning about lambing and of course cuddling the tame lambs. They all joined in enthusiastically, learnt SO much and … Read more

Food for Thought

No one will protect what they don’t care about, and no one will care about what they don’t understand.     – Sir, David Attenborough

Recent Visitors Comments

We love to hear feedback at Shallowford Farm and here are two encouraging messages from recent groups who visited us. We had a great feedback session to the Church last Sunday and all the young people said publicly what we learnt on the journey home that they had really enjoyed their time at Shallowford. Thank … Read more

The CoGS youth group

The young people from the Church of the Good Shepherd, London SW5, had a great weekend at the beginning of half term. It was bitterly cold and snowed on and off, indeed we had every season during their stay. What a wonderful introduction to Dartmoor farming. We did so much from weighing the sheep ready … Read more

So, you want to be a farmer, well lambing starts on April 1st

Would any of you like to come and see what goes on, join the 450 ewes as they bring their new-born into the world, even help out for the day? We would love to welcome you and/or your group to the farm for the day. Mention it to your local school and encourage them to … Read more

Learn Something New? Why Not?

This, along with Respect all things and Keep everyone safe, are our key values that hold all expectations, behaviours and reflections together. Do you know of a group that would like to Learn Something New at Shallowford Farm? We have the facilities to host a group either for the day or residentially, catered or self-catered. … Read more

The new Animal Barn is up and running

It’s been a great blessing The pigs were so pleased to get out of the mud, the porkers have more room to play and the two expectant sows could make their nest in a better ventilated pen. The birds that have to be kept in at the moment due to Bird Flu now have a … Read more

Shine at the Farm

The group of young girls who attend the Shine youth group for girls at Providence House enjoyed a great 4 day break at the farm during which they focused on friendship, communication and trust. The highlight though was definitely watching a litter of piglets being born – such a wonderful experience. They enjoyed treasure hunts … Read more

Come to Providence House & see it all for yourself March 22nd 

A day out for you wonderful supporters Last year the visit was a huge success. Since then the staff at PH have organised a wonderful makeover of the building, engaging artists and young people in a huge project. If you missed out last year make sure you come along this year! So this year we … Read more